Chile is a geographically diverse country that spans over 4,000 kilometres, from the hot deserts of the north to the icy landscape of Patagonia. Chile is also one of South America’s most industrialized countries – although these advances are not evident in communities in higher elevations, where the Sisters of Charity of Saint Mary concentrate their efforts. In these areas, they strive to spread the Gospel within homes and tend to the sick.
Every Saturday at noon, the Sisters provide a free meal to some 50 children aged three to 17, accompanied by nearly a dozen mothers. Teams of volunteers help with the food preparation. Once a week, some particularly needy families are given the additional “privilege” of a shower and an extra meal.
The Sisters of Charity of Saint Mary and their volunteers also help children with learning disabilities do their school work.
Every year, for nearly three weeks and with the assistance of a number of students and individuals from various chapels within the parish, the sisters organize a summer camp with games and other activities for local children.
Institutions and services
- Santa Maria dining hall
- Catechesis
- Ministry to the sick
- Parish ministry and diocesan ministry for the elderly
- Prayer and Gospel study groups
- Vocational outreach
- Seniors’ centre project
- Participation in the team of parish youth counsellors
- Support for liturgical celebrations
Pictures albums
View all albumsNational statistics
- Capital:
- Santiago du Chili
- GDP per capita ($):
- 19 100
- Population:
- 17 363 894
- Public spending on education (%PIB):
- 4,5
- Density:
- 22,7 hab./km2
- Rate of postsecondary education (%):
- 37,2
- Number of physicians (per 1000 pop.):
- Health expenditure per capita:
The statistics vary between the years 2010 and 2015. Source: www.statistiques-mondiales.com
Contact information
Sister María Andrée Chalifour
Pasaje 1, Villa California sitio 19
Sta. Julia, Viña del Mar Chili
Tél. : (32) 248 43 51