Peru is one of South America’s most diverse and historically rich countries, with a wide variety of terrain and millennia-old civilizations. The descendants of the Inca still live in Peru and have preserved their traditions, their language (Quechua) and their characteristic geniality. Unfortunately, successive earthquakes have plunged many Peruvians into difficult times. Countless homes have been ravaged and many families find themselves without shelter. Drinking water is in short supply, with one pump for every 1,000 families and water that needs to be boiled before drinking.
The Sisters of Charity of Saint Mary have pledged to come to the aid of families in need. They also help children with their school work and prepare one free meal a day to them in a dining room near the parish. A room has also been made available to provide support to the elderly.
Institutions and services
- Catechesis and evangelization
- Parish and vocation ministry
- Distribution of free meals to disadvantaged children
- Assistance with school work
(children from El Comedor) - Work with the elderly
- Youth group meetings
Pictures albums
View all albumsNational statistics
- Capital:
- Lima
- GDP per capita ($):
- 11 100
- Population:
- 30 147 935
- Public spending on education (%PIB):
- 2,8
- Density:
- 23,2 hab./km2
- Rate of postsecondary education (%):
- 25,8
- Number of physicians (per 1000 pop.):
- 1,1
- Health expenditure per capita:
- 337
The statistics vary between the years 2010 and 2015. Source: www.statistiques-mondiales.com
Contact information
Sister María Angélica
Mejía García
Los Próceres, Mz. 63 Lote 18,
Dis. Gregorio Albarracín,
Cono Sur, Tacna.
Tél. : 515 240 21 72